2000 Volume 2 Issue 4 Published: 28 December 2000

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  • 调查研究
    Huang Yu;Song Youhua;Tang Guang;Zhang Shige;Zhang Lifang;Gong Lianbing;Shang Shulan
    2000, 2(4): 221-225.
    Abstract ( ) PDF ( )
    Objective: To investigate the use of sedatives and hypnotics in Beijing. Methods: 10877 Beijng citizens were enrolled in our study by questionaire or interview for statistic analysis of the above medicine utilization. Results: The findings showed the rate of sedatives and hypnotics taken increased with age, and that the different effects appeared at different ages. Conclusion: The management of sedatives and hypnotics in institutions of health services and publictiy of the safety of administration cannot be overemphasized in order to avoid their abuse and get the better outcomes.
  • 调查研究
    Lu Shuwei;Cai Haodong
    2000, 2(4): 225-228.
    Abstract ( ) PDF ( )
    Objective: To find out the clinical indications of bifendate and the mechanism of its causing hepatic injury. Methods: Bifendate, 7.5 mg tid, was taken for 28 days in 64 patients with viral hepatitis who had the abnormal ALT and no jaundice, and their liver function changes were observed. Results: The effect of bifendate was related to the clinical types of hepatitis, the values of both AST and AST/ALT ratio before therapy. Conclusion: The protective effect of bifendate on liver remains to be studied.
  • 调查研究
    Yang Liancheng;Zhou Zhuan;Chen Tongli;Yang Xinying
    2000, 2(4): 228-232.
    Abstract ( ) PDF ( )
    Objective: To understand the aspects of drug-induced allergic shock and its causes. Methods: The cases with drug-induced allergic shock were retrieved from 24 journals in Chinese of 1991-1999. Results: 487 cases were collected and the allergic shock was caused by 109 drugs, mostly by antibiotics. It came rapidly with 69 deaths, occuring within 5 minutes after drug administration in 65% of the patients (317 cases) . The reasons of the shock were discussed in this paper. Conclusion: The work here is for clinical reference in order to reduce its occurrence and the resulting death.
  • 调查研究
    He Suiping;Li Jianwei;Quan Yanli;Huan Yanru
    2000, 2(4): 232-235.
    Abstract ( ) PDF ( )
    Objective: To understand the condition of the antibacterial drug utilization and the effects of these drugs on the nosocomial infections. Methods: The data of 44 patients of the nosocomial infections were in entry and statistical analysis with a software of pharmacoepidemiology. Results: In 44 cases, the frequency of antibacterial administration was 88.64% before nosocomial infections, 31.86% for preventive purposes and 33.63% for unreasonable application. Moreover, the microbiological assay and drug sensitive test were not done in 95.5 % of the cases before antibacterials taken. The nosocomial infections mostly occured in the patients who took the drugs for a long time, the gastrointestinal infections standing first on the list. In 8 risk factors of the nosocomial infections, the constitutive ratio and afterwards infection rate of the broadspectrum antibacterial utilization were 29.06 % and 3.93 % , ranking the first and the seventh, respectively. Conclution: Antibacterials are empirically used in clinic for both prevention and treatment with less attention to the microbiological assay and the drug sensitive test. The administration of an-tibacterials is a protective factor, and one of the risk factors for the nosocomial infections, too.